First Oil Engineering Sdn Bhd is committed to ensure all business activities shall be conducted in a manner which safeguards the Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees and protects the environment. To achieve these goals, Company shall adhere to the following principles:
- Identification and evaluation of all HSE hazards related to company’s activities and ensure applicable risk control under take to reduce their impacts to acceptable levels.
- Compliance to applicable HSE laws and regulations.
- Prevention of all incidents, occupational diseases and occupational poisoning.
- Protection and preservation of environment.
- Continual improvement of HSE performance.
Top management shall visibly uphold these principles throughout the Company and integrate them into the Company’s HSE policy and Management System. The Board of Director of the Company shall regularly review HSE performance for continual improvement of HSE.
Managers and supervisors at all levels shall enforce HSE rules in their respective area and function. They shall promote and maintain a safe and healthy working environment throughout Company’s activities.
Every employee shall obligate to work safely, to cooperate and act responsibly in preventing injury to him and others. Each employee has duty to report any unsafe act or conditions that may pose a safety and health hazard or deterioration of environment and to take reasonable actions to alleviate/control such risks.